The ABC of Smart Booking When Traveling to Spain
After a long winter, enthusiastic sun-seekers are moving their attention, time, and money towards warmer and more pleasant climates. But the statistics do not lie. More than 85% of sun-seeking travelers fail to book a flight at the right time. We will provide some tips when traveling to Spain.
We already know that Spain has been tipped as one of the most desirable destinations for the 2016 holiday season. Last year alone, Spain welcomed an impressive number of almost 70 million visitors. That’s one of the reasons why you should follow the advice given by ABTA (British Travel Trade Association). You should definitely book your flights and holidays as early as possible.

January preliminary booking analysis showed a record 27% increase in the number of holidays UK tourists eagerly booked to destinations in Spain. There is going to be more demand than flights available to Spain, that’s for sure.
Also we mustn’t forget to mention that early booking allows you more options in the bargain price zone. The more you wait, the less likely you’ll be to have a choice in both price and available flights. We don’t want you to get the wrong impression and book a flight two years in advance.

What do the experts say about it
Let’s see what some thoughtful booking analysts have to say about the ideal time for booking when traveling to Spain. As you might have expected the cheapest period for travelling to Spain is in January.
On the other hand, August is reserved for Mediterranean enthusiasts who don’t care too much about prices. Here are the simple maths. If you book a flight at least five weeks prior to your departure, you’re very likely to save at least 10% of the average flight price to Spain. This is how April turns out to be a promising month in terms of price and time to book a flight.

When you’re flying to Spain in the summer season every single day matters. Here’s a precious piece of insider booking advice. When booking, you should select the “Whole Month” search option rather than focusing on a single day. Why? Well, this way you’ll have a better overview of prices associated with particular dates. You just will not believe how a flight a single day earlier or later can save you money.
Finally, if your trip to Spain this summer for the specific purpose of acquiring a new property, then it’s about time for you to learn some invaluable lessons about smart booking.

Conclusion when traveling to Spain
So, what have we learned today about smart booking when traveling to Spain? Early flight bookers are the winners. In addition, every single day matters when flying to Spain this summer, so choose wisely.