

What to do in Torrevieja

Things to see and things to do in Torrevieja Beautiful beaches Torrevieja The entire Costa Blanca has more than 74 beautiful sandy beaches.  A number of these most ...

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Tapas, the great Spanish custom

Tapas, the great Spanish custom Who doesn’t know it, this typically Spanish appetizer, the Tapa, a traditional, appetizing bite that is often consumed together with an ...

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History of Spain

History of Spain

The history of Spain The history of Spain. Since the early Palaeolithic, Spain was inhabited by the Neanderthals, as discoveries of their remains evidence. The first ...

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The Spanish language

The Spanish language The languages spoken in Spain cause great confusion abroad, as they have different dialects. There is a total of five official languages in Spain ...

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Architecture Spain

Spanish architecture

Spanish architecture The Spanish architecture is characterized by sharp contrasts between light and dark sides, alternating between austerity and lavish decorations and thick ...

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Religion in Spain

Religion in Spain In the 70s, every Spaniard was bound to be Catholic by law. Consequently, a large number of them are still believers, but not practicing Catholic. A strong ...

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