Blue Flag, recognition for cleanliness and good maintenance

We often see it or read about it, a sandy beach or marina awarded with a “Blue Flag”. Everyone has a feeling that this is something positive and that is true. But who knows exactly what it involves?

What is the blue flag?

The Blue Flag is an international environmental recognition that is awarded annually. 30 countries in Europe, South Africa, Morocco, New Zealand, Canada, and the Caribbean use this ECO label. In total, more than 3,500 beaches and marinas are recognised.

The recognition is a reward for the efforts made to properly maintain a beach or marina.

Given that this is an annual award, it is also a constant guarantee of quality.

Blue flag award

Aim of the Blue flag

Of course, the main aim is to involve governments, entrepreneurs and recreational users in sustainability and respect for the environment. But the goal is also to make people aware of the environment.

Safe water, beautiful nature and a healthy environment are of vital importance for current and future generations.

Blue flag beach


Not all sandy beaches and marinas can obtain a Blue Flag. One must participate in a campaign and meet certain criteria. Below is a brief overview of these criteria:


  • excellent quality of the bathing water
  • clean, well-maintained beach
  • good infrastructure including toilets and waste bins
  • well-equipped lifeguards and first Aid post


  • clean, well-maintained quaysides
  • good quality of water
  • adequate sanitation provisions
  • discharges of wastewater are prohibited
  • rescue and fire extinguishing materials present
  • port regulations

Blue flag country

What can you do?

Every year, several tons of waste is cleaned up from the beaches. Fortunately, there are many volunteers for this, but it is still a big cost to keep the beaches clean.

It is not only the beaches and the seawater that are hard hit. Empty cans, plastic, household rubbish, etc. are also often thrown away along the public road.

Blue flag beaches

The entire Z-Yachting & Golf Estates team attaches great importance to nature.

That is why we commit ourselves to take into account the environment and throwing waste in the appropriate waste bins and containers.

If everyone who reads this article also does his or her very best, we all contribute a little bit to society and the environment.

Help friends and acquaintances become aware of this and share this article.

Thanks in advance!

Blue flag participants